Największe bitwy XX wieku 05 - Jerzy Biziewski - Irak-Iran 1980-88 (1993).jpg

Największe bitwy XX wieku 05 - Jerzy Biziewski - Irak-Iran 1980-88 (1993).jpg
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The new constitution created a religious government based on Khomeini’s vision of velāyat-e faqīh and gave sweeping powers to the rahbar, or leader; the first rahbar was Khomeini himself. Despite the regime’s political consolidation, several new threats manifested themselves. The most significant of these was the eight-year period of armed conflict during the Iran-Iraq War.

In September 1980 a long-standing border dispute served as a pretext for Iraqi President Ṣaddām Ḥussein to launch an invasion of Iran’s southwestern province of Khūzestān, one of the country’s most important oil-producing regions and one populated by many ethnic Arabs. Iran’s formidable armed forces had played an important role in ensuring regional stability under the shah but had virtually dissolved after the collapse of the monarch’s regime. The weakened military proved to be unexpectedly resilient in the face of the Iraqi assault, however, and, despite initial losses, achieved remarkable defensive success.

The Iraqis also provided support to the Mojāhedīn-e Khalq, now headquartered in Iraq. The Mojāhedīn launched a campaign of sporadic and highly demoralizing bombings throughout Iran that killed many clerics and government leaders. In June 1981 a dissident Islamist faction (apparently unrelated to the Mojāhedīn) bombed the headquarters of the Islamic Republican Party, killing a number of leading clerics. Government pressure intensified after the bombing, and Bani-Sadr (who had earlier gone into hiding to avoid arrest) and Massoud Rajavi, the head of the Mojāhedīn, fled the country. The new president, Mohammad Ali Rajaʾi, and Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar died in another bombing in August. These attacks led to an unrelenting campaign of repression and executions by the Revolutionary Guards, often based on trivial allegations, to root out subversion. Allegations of torture, poor prison conditions, arbitrary arrests, and the denial of basic human rights proliferated, as did accusations that condemned female prisoners were raped—purportedly forced into temporary marriages (known as mutʿah) with their guards before execution.

By the summer of 1982, Iraq’s initial territorial gains had been recaptured by Iranian troops who were stiffened with Revolutionary Guards. It also became apparent that young boys, often plucked from the streets, were leading human wave assaults on the front lines, thereby sacrificing their bodies to clear minefields for the troops that followed. These tactics eventually enabled Iran to capture small amounts of Iraqi territory, but the war soon lapsed into stalemate and attrition. In addition, its length caused anxiety among the Arab states and the international community because it posed a potential threat to the oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf. The civilian populations of both Iran and Iraq suffered severely as military operations moved to bombing population centres and industrial targets, particularly oil refineries. Attacks on oil tankers from both sides greatly curtailed shipping in the gulf.